Eric Piras, long time Asia cigar expert formerly with Pacific Cigar, and Altadis and now with cigar venues in Hong Kong and a consultancy in China on cigars.
Tobacco Asia’s Podcast #4 is a talk with ERIC PIRAS, long time Asia cigar expert formerly with Pacific Cigar, and Altadis and now with cigar venues in Hong Kong and a consultancy in China on cigars. An overview with a barebones structure on how — and if — it is possible to sell cigars in China, how to level the playing field, and is it worth trying.
The Tobacco Asia podcast is brought to you in conjunction with Business Insights, the new digital platform of Messe Dortmund and their InterTabac/InterSupply events, the world’s leading and largest tobacco exhibitions, and hosted by Thomas Schmid, contributing editor at Tobacco Asia.