Despite its calls to accelerate Covid-19 vaccinations around the world, WHO chose to reject a vaccine already approved and used in Canada because a tobacco company owns part of the developing company.
A Covid-19 vaccine developed by Canada-based Medicago was rejected by the World Health Organization (WHO) because of Philip Morris International’s 21% ownership of the company.
WHO rejected the application for the vaccine because of its 2005 treaty requiring no involvement with any company that produces or promotes tobacco-based products and is exploring different policy options for health products linked to the tobacco industry. “WHO is currently holding discussions on how to address a general trend of the tobacco industry investing in the health industry,” the organization said.
A Health Canada spokesperson told Reuters it believes it is in compliance with the WHO tobacco treaty, which “does not preclude the Government of Canada from working with Medicago on vaccine development and procurement to ensure that a ready and effective supply of vaccines is available for its population.”
Medicago’s two-dose vaccine, Covifenz, was authorized by Health Canada in February for adults aged 18-64. Clinical trials showed that the vaccine was more than 70% effective at preventing Covid-19 infections and 100% effective against severe illness.
Calling Medicago’s vaccine “an extraordinary example of success that we’ve seen in Canada in biomanufacturing, research, and development,” Canada’s minister of health, Jean-Yves Duclos, said that it is important their technology and vaccine platform is able to be used in the future, adding, “So we can move beyond that initial decision, this was a decision based on emergency use…there are other avenues that we can use to head in the right direction.”
A PMI spokesperson told Reuters that WHO's position was in opposition to its own call to accelerate vaccinations around the world. "Emergency use authorization of a Covid-19 vaccine has absolutely nothing to do with tobacco control," the spokesperson said. "WHO policies should focus on accelerating medical progress and innovation."
WHO’s rejection would stop Canada from being able to donate the Covifenz vaccine to other countries and limit their donations to COVAX, the global-equity vaccine equity program.
PMI has had a stake in Medicago since 2008. However, in July 2020, the company announced plans to distance itself from the tobacco company.